65 results
Remnant Coronary Guidewire on Echocardiogram
It was a remnant guidewire. The tip of the wire was trapped
Remnant Coronary ... Echocardiogram It was a remnant ... Ivan_Echocardio #Remnant
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
bodies (nuclear remnants
Lipoprotein Metabolism

Enterocytes release absorbed lipids the form of triglyceride-rich chylomicrons. These are acted upon by endothelial
The remnants of ... liproprotein (LDL) remnants
Eustachian Valve on POCUS Echocardiogram = A4c

What the Heck is in the Right Atrium?
Eustachian Valve! Rudimentary
valve (embryologic remnant
Causes of Intestinal Obstruction - Differential Diagnosis
Lesions Extrinsic to the Intestinal Wall:
 • Adhesions: Postoperative, Congenital,
Omphalomesenteric duct remnant
Causes of Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Blood Loss: >500mL post vaginal delivery OR >1000 mL
Uterine inversion Remnant
Reversible Acute Mesenteric Ischemia - A computed tomographic scan showed jejunal dilatation and thinning of the
ischemia in the remnant
Chiari Network on POCUS Echocardiogram - A4C
Chiari network - fenestrated, net-like embryonic remnants of valves of
net-like embryonic remnants
Vaginal Bleeding - Differential Diagnosis
 - Pregnant - Early | Late (> 20 weeks)
 - Non-Pregnant
Diagnosis - Pregnant ... weeks) - Non-Pregnant
Non-pregnant Vaginal Bleeding - Management Algorithm

#Management #Vaginal #Bleeding #Nonpregnant #Algorithm #Treatment
Non-pregnant Vaginal