2202 results
Reproductive Cycle - Ovarian and Menstrual Cycle
- Follicular Phase
- Ovulation
- Luteal Phase

By @rev.med

#Reproductive #Cycle #Ovarian #Menstrual
Reproductive Cycle ... By @rev.med #Reproductive
Reproductive Cycle - Ovarian and Menstrual Cycle
- Follicular Phase
- Ovulation
- Luteal Phase

By @rev.med

#Reproductive #Cycle #Ovarian #Menstrual
Reproductive Cycle ... By @rev.med #Reproductive
Male Pelvis - Reproductive Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Male #Pelvis #Anatomy #Pelvic #Reproductive #Urology
Male Pelvis - Reproductive ... Anatomy #Pelvic #Reproductive
Spurling's Test for Cervical Nerve Root Compression

With the neck in slight extension, ipsilateral flexion and rotation,
positive with reproduction ... #orthopedics #sports
Cirrhosis - Illustrated signs and symptoms:
Integumentary, neurologic, gastrointestinal, portal hypertension effects, hematologic, renal, metabolic, cardiovascular, reproductive

cardiovascular, reproductive
Parasternal Windows on POCUS
PLAX = parasternal long axis 
PSAX = parasternal short axis

- Dr. Abhilash Koratala
= parasternal short ... Windows #POCUS #ultrasound
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency - Signs and Symptoms
 • Brain: Androgenization effects, Glucocorticoid effects,
Increased fat mass • Reproductive ... density, Adult short
Cushing Syndrome - Signs and Symptoms
Generalized: Weight gain, Slow healing of cuts, Increased risk of infections,
risk of fractures Reproductive
Reproductive Number (R0 "R Naught") showing how contagious / transmissible a pathogen is.  The R0
Reproductive Number ... Vaccinologist #Reproductive
Shoulder Bone Anatomy
Clavicle, Acromion, Scapula, Humerus

By @rev.med

#Shoulder #Bone #Anatomy #sports #orthopedics
Bone #Anatomy #sports