15 results
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis - Procedure Instructions

The orbit is a relatively closed compartment and an acute
common cause is retrobulbar ... #Instructions #Retrobulbar
Retrobulbar Hematoma and Guitar Pick Sign on Ocular POCUS
Which of the following is NOT present in
Retrobulbar Hematoma ... Clip shows retrobulbar ... wo rupture #Retrobulbar
Retrobulbar hematoma, causing orbital compartment syndrome, is a rapidly progressive vision threatening emergency. Lateral canthotomy is
Retrobulbar hematoma ... #Retrobulbar #hematoma
In patients with retrobulbar hematoma, as the globe is compressed its shape develops from round to
patients with retrobulbar ... POCUS #Diagnosis #Retrobulbar
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis for Retrobulbar Hemorrhage- Procedure Instructions

Quickly throw a few cc's of lido with
Cantholysis for Retrobulbar ... #Instructions #Retrobulbar
92F w acute painless monocular vision loss. What's the diagnosis?


Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)! Retrobulbar "spot
Retrobulbar "spot
Ocular Ultrasound Pocketcard
Painless Vision Loss
 • Retinal Detachment 
 • Posterior Vitreous Detachment 
 • Vitreous
Dislocation • Retrobulbar
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
 • Unilateral orbital/retrobulbar pain
 • Paresis of the cranial nerves Ill, IV, VI
Unilateral orbital/retrobulbar
POCUS shows guitar-pick sign of retrobulbar hematoma just before successful lateral canthotomy
#Clinical #Ophth #POCUS #GuitarPickSign #RetrobulbarHematoma
guitar-pick sign of retrobulbar
Traumatic Red Eye - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Surface Injury:
 • Corneal Abrasion
 • Ultraviolet Keratitis
 • Chemical
Apex Injury / Retrobulbar