43 results
Cricothyrotomy in the Field by Emergency Providers

#Cricothyrotomy #Emergency #clinical #video #nsfw #ems #procedure #criticalcare #airway
in the Field by Emergency ... Cricothyrotomy #Emergency ... clinical #video #nsfw
After emergency intubation, 33% percent of older adults die during the index hospitalization. #EBM #PatientInfo #Geriatrics
After emergency ... #EBM #PatientInfo
Emergency physician interpretation of point-of-care ultrasound for identifying and grading of hydronephrosis in renal colic compared
Emergency physician ... interpretation by emergency ... pubmed/29663580 #EBM
#Diagnosis #EM #ENT #PrimaryCare #Sore #Throat #SoreThroat #Assessment #Airway #Emergency #RedFlags #Differential #Algorithm #Symptoms #Ddxof
#Diagnosis #EM # ... Assessment #Airway #Emergency
Algorithm to decrease AFib admissions - Visual Abstract by hellomynameisDrKirsty

Source: Implementation of a Novel Algorithm to
to a Community Emergency ... VisualAbstract #EBM
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Management of Transfusion Reactions

This algorithm was developed by Dr. Eric Madden,
chief resident in emergency ... at McGovern Med EM
Visual Guide to Splinting by Location

- Northwestern EM https://twitter.com/NorthwesternEM

#Splinting #Locations #Management #Orthopedics #Emergency #Fractures #splints
- Northwestern EM ... #Orthopedics #Emergency
SALT-ED Trial - Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Noncritically Ill Adults

N Engl J Med 2018; 378:819-828
fluids in the emergency ... VisualAbstract #EBM
3 Point POCUS for DVT - Visual Abstract
How accurately can emergency physicians diagnose lower extremity DVTs
accurately can emergency ... ultrasound #diagnosis #ebm
SHoC-ED - Does Point-of-Care Ultrasonography Improve Clinical Outcomes in Emergency Department Patients With Undifferentiated Hypotension? 

Clinical Outcomes in Emergency ... Ultrasonography #Ultrasound #Emergency ... VisualAbstract #EBM