1928 results
Acute Altered Mental Status - Rapid Response Management

1) Ask while en route: vitals, hyper/hypoactive, POC glucose,
and stabilize: AMS ... Natalie Rosen @NatalieRosen_MD ... #AMS #altered
Christmas Tree Rash of Pityriasis rosea
 - small oval scaling patches
 - Christmas tree pattern
of Pityriasis rosea ... Rash #Pityriasis #rosea
Can’t Miss ECG Findings for the Emergency Medicine Provider
- Christian Rose @ProperPolymath

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #CantMiss
Provider - Christian Rose
Urticaria Mimics

Conditions That May Be Confused with Urticaria

Arthropod bites 
, Atopic dermatitis 
, Bullous pemphigoid 
, Pityriasis rosea
Fluid Stewardship in Septic Shock 

Dr. Catherine Beni @totalbodydolor

#Fluid #Stewardship #SepticShock
Management #Phases #ROSE
Hypotension - Rapid Response Management

1) Ask for vitals en route
2) Immediate Assessment
3) Examine for a cause:
Natalie Rosen @NatalieRosen_MD
Hypoxemia and Dyspnea - Rapid Response Management

1) Ask for vitals en route
2) Stabilize: Nasal canula 
Natalie Rosen @NatalieRosen_MD
Papulosquamous Skin Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Erythrematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale
• Pityriasis Rosea
Maculopapular Rashes - THE ALGORITHMIC APPROACH 

The term maculopapule is a portmanteau, a combination
of macule and
or pityriasis rosea
Hypertension and Altered Mental Status (AMS) - Differential Diagnosis Framework

 • Hypertensive emergency
 • Hypertensive encephalopathy
Mental Status (AMS ... • Cocaine • NMS ... #Hypertension #AMS