48 results
Rounding checklist for COVID19 patients 

Rounding checklist for my COVID19 patients so we don't miss stuff.
Rounding checklist ... COVID19 patients Rounding ... @virenkaul #Rounding
COVID-19 Daily Rounding Checklist 
Consider the following with each patient:
1. COVID status
2. Exam - as clinically
COVID-19 Daily Rounding ... Burak @kwburak #Rounding
Intern Pocket Cards - Daily Rounding and Disposition Checklist
Daily Checklist:
 • FEN/GI:
Cards - Daily Rounding ... pocketcardset #Daily #Rounding
Double Counting on Cardiac Monitoring
The “double counting” heart rate phenomenon. T waves are so prominent the
Double Counting ... Monitoring The “double counting ... EM_RESUS #Double #Counting
Bouncing Septum in Constrictive Pericarditis on Echocardiogram 

Joshua Levenson, MD @jelevenson

#Constrictive #Pericarditis #Bouncing #Septum #cardiology #clinical
Bouncing Septum ... #Pericarditis #Bouncing
NHS in 2017: the long arm of government #PublicHealth #NHS #Funding #NHSFunding #BMJ
PublicHealth #NHS #Funding
Intern Pocket Cards - Pre-Rounding Guide - Daily Checklist
Overnight Events:
 - Night float signout, nursing notes
Pocket Cards - Pre-Rounding
ICU Pre-Rounding Bundle Checklist
VITALS: trends!
 • Important to know if the pt is getting better or
ICU Pre-Rounding
Corrigan's Pulse in Severe Aortic Regurgitation - Bounding Carotid Pulse

Dr. André Mansoor @AndreMansoor - Author of
Regurgitation - Bounding
ROTH Score to Assess O2 Sat for Telemedicine

Have pt take deep breath in & count out
Air) Maximal Counting ... < 7 OR Counting