1483 results
Pulmonary Embolism: Odds Ratios for the ECG Components for the Risk of Hemodynamic Collapse or Death

Collapse or Death Findings ... Meta‐analysis #ECG #EKG #Findings ... Electrocardiogram #S1Q3T3
S1Q3T3 on ECG - Pulmonary Embolism Until Proven Otherwise

- Sam Ghali, M.D.

#S1Q3T3 #ECG #EKG #Electrocardiogram #Cardiology
S1Q3T3 on ECG - ... @EM_RESUS #S1Q3T3
S1Q3T3 on ECG in a patient with Acute Pulmonary Embolism

- Dr. Sarah Medeiros @DrSarahEM

#S1Q3T3 #Pulmonary #Embolism
S1Q3T3 on ECG in ... @DrSarahEM #S1Q3T3
ECG changes in Pulmonary Embolism
Sinus tachycardia 
Complete or incomplete RBBB 
Electrocardiogram #S1Q3T3 ... Predictive #ECG #EKG #Findings
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

#CentralRetinalVein #Occlusion #CRVO #pathophysiology #ophthalmology #diagnosis #signs #symptoms
Pathogenesis and clinical findings ... pathophysiology #ophthalmology
The findings in the table below suggest an eyelid injury that may require additional evaluation and
The findings in ... should prompt an ophthalmology ... consultation #Diagnosis #Ophthalmology
Spider Angioma on Physical Exam

Spider angiomas are an important physical finding of cirrhosis. The size and
important physical finding ... other physical findings
Quincke's Pulse in Severe Aortic Regurgitation

Little physical exam finding for the end of the week! Quinke’s
physical exam finding ... physical exam findings
Differential diagnoses for the neuro-ophthalmologic finding of diplopia.
 • Intraorbital meningioma 
 • Pituitary adenoma
for the neuro-ophthalmologic ... finding of diplopia ... Diagnosis #Causes #Ophthalmology
Amblyopia ("Lazy Eye"): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Amblyopia => 
Interruption of visual stimulation during childhood visual development
Pathogenesis and clinical findings ... pathophysiology #ophthalmology