128 results
Atorvastatin. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin) for dyslipidemia and MI/stroke prevention. 2nd most prescribed drug in the
prescribed drug in the US ... #Pharmacology #Atorvastatin ... HMGCoAReductase #Overview #Review
#pharmacology #review #HYPERKALEMIA # MNEMONIC #SYMPTOMS
#pharmacology #review
Elagolix (Orilissa) - Pharmacology Review
Elagolix is a small-molecule GnRH antagonist recently approved by the FDA for
Elagolix (Orilissa) - Pharmacology ... Review Elagolix ... #Pharmacology #Elagolix ... #Orilissa #Review
Lisinopril - ACE inhibitor used for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. 3rd most prescribed
prescribed drug in the US ... #Pharmacology #Lisinopril ... Inhibitor #Overview #Review
Medications that can cause QTc prolongation

#qtcprolongation #cardiology #medications #pharmacology #riskfactors #review #mnemonic
#medications #pharmacology ... #riskfactors #review
Counselling tips for different corticosteroid dosage forms

#pharmacology #treatment #comparison #review #medications #corticosteroids
dosage forms #pharmacology ... treatment #comparison #review
Mechanism of antibiotic drug resistance #pharmacology #antibiotics #review #medications
drug resistance #pharmacology ... #antibiotics #review
Anticholinergic versus cholinergic effects on the body

#pharmacology #comparison #review #medications #anticholinergics #mnemonic #studyaid #table
on the body #pharmacology ... #comparison #review
#Pharmacology #Phenytoin #Dilantin #Overview #Review
#Pharmacology #Phenytoin ... Dilantin #Overview #Review
Mechanism of antibacterial drug resistance

#pharmacology #antibiotics #comparison #review #mechanismofaction
resistance #pharmacology ... antibiotics #comparison #review