253 results
Buprenorphine Induction Algorithm

#Management #Pain #Withdrawal #Buprenorphine #Induction #Algorithm #Addiction #Prescribing
Induction #Algorithm #Addiction ... #Prescribing
ED-Bridge Buprenorphine Algorithm for management of acute opiate withdrawal in the ED

#Management #Opioid #Withdrawal #Emergency #Buprenorphine
Treatment #Algorithm #Addiction ... #Prescribing
How SGLT2 inhibitors block glucose reabsorption in proximal tubule and improve systemic glucose homeostasis:

#Pathophysiology #Mechanism #Nephrology
How SGLT2 inhibitors ... Mechanism #Nephrology #SLGT2
Aspirin prescribing algorithm for primary and secondary prevention.

Infographic via @thecurbsiders

#Aspirin #Deprescribing #algorithm #indications #management #primary #secondary
Aspirin prescribing ... thecurbsiders #Aspirin #Deprescribing
Emergency Department Initiation of Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- r. strayer & e. ketcham (@emupdates)

#Management #Opioid
Buprenorphine #Algorithm #Addiction ... Initiation #Emergency #Prescribing
Stepwise Approach to Prescription of SGLT2 inhibitors 

Anticipatory Guidance 
• Consider diuretic dose reduction 
Patient Counseling
Prescription of SGLT2 ... endocrinologists #SGLT2 ... #Prescription #Prescribing
Buprenorphine-Naloxone and treatment of withdrawal symptoms

Prerequisites for starting Suboxone in the ED:

1. Patient has an opioid
Algorithm #Management #Addiction ... #Prescribing
Addictions: Pathogenesis

Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Pathway:
 • Dopaminergic neurons in Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) in midbrain under continuous
Addictions: Pathogenesis ... which influence addictive ... behaviours -> Addiction ... Withdrawal) #Drug #Addiction
Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) - Adverse Effects and Prescribing Tips

#Management #Pharmacology #PPI #Adverse #SideEffects #Prescribing #ProtonPumpInhibitor
Adverse Effects and Prescribing ... #SideEffects #Prescribing
Algorithm for Prescribing QTC-prolonging Medications

#QTC #prolonging #Medications #Algorithm #Prescribing #management #Torsades #RiskFactors #Prolongation
Algorithm for Prescribing ... Medications #Algorithm #Prescribing