1265 results
Characteristic features of the rash are:

-Rough texture (like sandpaper)
-Worse in the skin folds e.g. groin, axilla,
) #Clinical #Dermatology ... Pediatrics #SkinRash #ScarletFever
Scarlet Fever - Other symptoms include: white coating on the tongue which then peels and leave
lymphadenopathy #Clinical #Dermatology ... Pediatrics #SkinRash #ScarletFever
COVID-19 Dermatologic Manifestations 

#covid19 #covidtoes #dermatology #dermatologic #COVID19 #sarscov2 #clinical #skin
COVID-19 Dermatologic ... covid19 #covidtoes #dermatology ... #dermatologic #
Distribution of some common dermatologic diseases and lesions

#skin #lesions #locations #distribution #differential #diagnosis #dermatology
of some common dermatologic ... differential #diagnosis #dermatology
Generalized Algorithm for the Evaluation of Dermatologic Processes - Branches: Erythroderma Petechial Fluid-Filled Maculopapular 

#Diagnosis #Dermatology
Evaluation of Dermatologic ... #Diagnosis #Dermatology
Thrombotic Microangiopathies In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Dr. Laurent ARNAUD @Lupusreference

#TMAs #Thrombotic #Microangiopathies #Systemic #Lupus #Erythematosus #SLE #hematology
Erythematosus #SLE #hematology ... #rheumatology #
SCARLET FEVER - Tessa Davis @TessaRDavis

#PatientInfo #Diagnosis #Management #Peds #Pediatrics #ScarletFever #Overview
Peds #Pediatrics #ScarletFever
Multiple dermatology H&P cheat sheets for the medical student rotating in dermatology or residents needing help
Multiple dermatology ... student rotating in dermatology ... needing help with a dermatology ... #diagnosis #dermatology
Dermatologic Extraintestinal Manifestations in IBD - IBD Algorithm

Erythema Nodosum
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Metastatic Crohn's Disease
Sweet Syndrome

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

Dermatologic Extraintestinal ... @wabillin #Dermatologic ... gastroenterology #management #dermatology
This is a cheat sheet for medical students rotating in dermatology or residents needing help with
students rotating in dermatology ... needing help with a dermatology ... #diagnosis #dermatology