935 results
Osgood-Schlatter Disease - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Infrapatellar fat-pad edema with loss of the patellar tendon
Osgood-Schlatter ... DrvonBorstel #Osgood #Schlatter
ECMO circuit chatter - rhythmic pulsations in the drainage catheter/tubing leading to the pump
CHATTER occurs when
ECMO circuit chatter ... leading to the pump CHATTER ... Tx of CHATTER: ... nickmmark #ECMO #chatter
Chronic Joint Pain - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 
 - Bone
     • Stress
Apophysitis (Osgood-Schlatter
Patellar Tendon in Osgood-Schlatter disease on POCUS

Dr. Mohammed Alshamsi @EmergOmBur

#OsgoodSchlatter #disease #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound #knee #doppler
Tendon in Osgood-Schlatter
Hyphema - Blood in the Anterior Chamber - Grading

#Hyphema #Grading #Grades #Classification #Ophthalmology #Diagnosis #Management #Ocular
in the Anterior Chamber ... Classification #Ophthalmology
Anterior chamber paracentesis (ACP) to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) 


#Anterior #chamber #paracentesis #ACP #clinical #video #physicalexam
Anterior chamber ... #Anterior #chamber ... #physicalexam #ophthalmology
Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Red and Painful Eye
1. External
2. Lids and Lashes
3. Conjunctiva and
Anterior Chamber ... Differential #Anatomy #Ophthalmology
Hyphema on Physical Exam

Hyphema is a collection of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye,
in the anterior chamber ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Slit Lamp Evaluation Mnemonic - L's & C's

Mnemonic for systematically assessing all portions of the eye,
Cornea (and iris) Chamber ... Evaluation #Mnemonic #Ophthalmology
Red Eye - Differential Diagnosis
 • Stye (a.k.a. hordeolum)
 • Chalazion
 • Blepharitis
 • Periorbital cellulitis
Viral Anterior Chamber ... table #causes #ophthalmology