869 results
PHQ9 Depression Severity Scores and Proposed Treatment Actions
#Diagnosis #Management #PHQ9 #Depression #Severity #Scores #Scale
Depression Severity Scores ... Depression #Severity #Scores
The Wells, Geneva, and revised-Geneva pre-test possibility scores to risk-stratify patients with concern for PE

#Wells #Revised
pre-test possibility scores ... Stratification #Scores
Bleeding risk calculators - HAS-BLED (atrial fibrillation) and IMPROVE (VTE prophylaxis for inpatients)
Important notes:
 • No
Bleeding #Risk #Scores
TiMi and GRACE Risk scores for mortality in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). 

Abbreviations: ACS, acute coronary
and GRACE Risk scores ... Cardiology #Risk #Scores
NICE Decision Aid to assess the risk of bleeding on anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score 1 

anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score ... DecisionAid #HASBLED #Score1
Atrial Fibrillation - Decision Aid - Anti-coagulation and Risk for Stroke - CHADS2VASc Score 5

#Management #Atrial
Stroke - CHADS2VASc Score ... CHADS2VASc #CHADSVASc #Score5
NICE Decision Aid to assess the risk of bleeding on anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score 4

#Management #Anticoagulation
anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score ... DecisionAid #HASBLED #Score4
NICE Decision Aid to assess the risk of bleeding on anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score 3 

anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score ... DecisionAid #HASBLED #Score3
NICE Decision Aid to assess the risk of bleeding on anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score 2

#Management #Anticoagulation
anticoagulation - HAS-BLED Score ... DecisionAid #HASBLED #Score2
Atrial Fibrillation - Decision Aid - Anti-coagulation and Risk for Stroke - CHADS2VASc Score 1

#Management #Atrial
Stroke - CHADS2VASc Score ... CHADS2VASc #CHADSVASc #Score1