1300 results
Approach to suspected Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

 • Suspected HIT Algorithm
 • "4 T's" clinical probability score:
fall or other sequelae ... Thrombosis or other sequelae ... Thrombocytopenia #HIT #hematology
Sickle Cell Disease - Pathophysiology of disease and complications 

Due to the deformed shape, HbS induces
Complications #Hematology ... #Sequelae
4-T Score for the Likelihood of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia
 - Thrombocytopenia - Compare the highest platelet
count within the sequence ... Likelihood #Diagnosis #Hematology
Asbestos - the range of possible effects on the respiratory tract

#Asbestos #sequelae #pulmonary #lungs #sideeffects #diagnosis
#Asbestos #sequelae
Causes of Neutropenia with Pancytopenia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Splenomegaly
Marrow Infiltration:
 • Hematologic and non-hematologic
Infiltration: • Hematologic ... and non-hematologic ... Algorithm #Causes #Hematology
Thrombotic Microangiopathies In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Dr. Laurent ARNAUD @Lupusreference

#TMAs #Thrombotic #Microangiopathies #Systemic #Lupus #Erythematosus #SLE #hematology
Erythematosus #SLE #hematology ... #rheumatology #
Summary of haemotology cell lineages and the malignancies associated with them. Visit gramproject.com for more medical
Summary of haemotology ... #algorithm #hematology
Pharmacology, Toxicity and Management of Second Generation Antipsychotic (SGA) Overdose #Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #Psychiatry #SGA #SecondGenerationAntipsychotics
SecondGenerationAntipsychotics #Overdose #Sequelae
Hypereosinophilia and Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

 • Secondary Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
 • Clinically Relevant HES Variants
 • When to
suspect underlying hematologic ... Syndrome #HES #Hematology
Sequelae of HPV infection and preventive strategies #Pathophys #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #HPV #Pathogenesis #Screening #Prevention #BMJ
Sequelae of HPV