3 results
Patient risk stratification algorithm for the treatment of cancer-associated thrombosis.

Currently, edoxaban and rivaroxaban are the only
Patient risk stratification ... thrombosis; PE = pulmonary ... = venous thromboembolism ... Anticoagulation #Management ... #Hematology #Oncology
A possible diagnostic algorithm for pulmonary embolism in pregnancy (equipose)

Given the variability in guidelines and equipoise
for pulmonary embolism ... the benefits and risks ... #Diagnosis #OBGyn ... PulmonaryEmbolism #VTE ... #Pregnancy #Workup
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
or family - Ever ... event, follow ACC algorithm ... one post op Cardiology ... • <3mo since VTE ... medical and surgical management