441 results
Central line placement: verifying wire placement on POCUS
Prior to dilation of a central vein. Confirm wire
UAlberta_Sono #CentralLine ... RIJ #longaxis #shortaxis
Confirmation that central line is placed on the venous side by visualizing echogenic air bubbles in
jchristianfox #centralline ... #criticalcare #S4C
Infant Formula Alternatives - Store Brand Substitutes during Formula Shortage

Brad Sobolewski, MD

#Infant #Formula #Alternatives #pediatrics
during Formula Shortage
DIY Respirator

Innovative technique to create a cheap, reusable, elastomeric respirator for use during critical N95 supply
critical N95 supply shortages
Echocardiogram and POCUS Cardiology Windows and Anatomy
 • Parasternal Long Axis (PLAX)
 • Subcostal 4 Chamber
Subcostal 4 Chamber (S4C ... Apical 4 Chamber (A4C
Neck vasculature: Internal jugular vein for central venous catheter placement 

#CentralVenousCatheterization #Management  #CentralLine #Anatomy #Jugular
#Management #CentralLine
Parasternal Short Axis (PSAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy
 - Papillary Muscles Level (Mid-LV)
 - Aortic
#Parasternal #ShortAxis
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
hand sanitizer shortage

Also Consider:
 - Ultrasound + Probe Cover
 - Patient Drapes
Management #CVC #CentralLine
Central Line Confirmation on POCUS Echocardiogram - Saline Bubble Study

Tired of waiting for the CXR to
@EMinMiami #CentralLine ... BubbleStudy #clinical #s4c ... #a4c