7169 results
PA view
On the PA chest-film it is important to examine all the areas where the lung
Silhouette - for ... These lines and silhouettes ... of the normal silhouette ... is called the silhouette ... #Clinical #Anatomy
Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) on Chest XRay
 - Oval Shaped Cardiac Silhouette 
 - Narrow
Shaped Cardiac Silhouette ... Radiology #Diagnosis #Clinical
The PA-film shows a silhouette sign of the left heart border.
Even without looking at the lateral
PA-film shows a silhouette ... #Clinical #Radiology
On the left another patient with a large cardiac silhouette on the chest x-ray due to
large cardiac silhouette ... CT-reconstruction #Clinical
Here we see a consolidation which is located in the left lower lobe.
There is a normal
There is a normal silhouette ... #Clinical #Radiology
The findings are:
 - Large density on the left with loss of cardiac silhouette.
 - High
loss of cardiac silhouette ... Since the silhouette ... #Clinical #Radiology
Hilum Overlay Sign on Chest X-Ray
If a mass is in contact with the pulmonary vessels then,
according to the silhouette ... #Chest #XRay #clinical
On the left a patient with ARDS. 
There is alveolar edema in both lungs. 
Notice that
and the cardiac silhouette ... #Clinical #Radiology
Congenital absence of the pericardium: 
- CXR: leftward shift of the cardiac silhouette, Snoopy sign, no
of the cardiac silhouette ... #pericardium #clinical
Congenital absence of the pericardium: 
- CXR: leftward shift of the cardiac silhouette, Snoopy sign, no
of the cardiac silhouette ... chest #radiology #clinical