112 results
Effect of PEEP on Lung Recruitment - Bag-Mask Ventilation - Cadaver Simulation
Simulation shows before and after
Ventilation - Cadaver Simulation ... Simulation shows ... Lungs #Cadaver #Simulation
3 Hour Time Lapse - Button Battery Ingestion Simulation - mp4 video version here: https://www.grepmed.com/images/14833

Swallowed button
Battery Ingestion Simulation ... Battery #Ingestion #Simulation
Lung Recruitment Simulation - Percent Alveolar Recruitment over Time


#Lung #Recruitment #Simulation #video #pulmonary
Lung Recruitment Simulation ... #Recruitment #Simulation
Aerosolization - HFNC Simulation

Why the HFNC is aerosolizing and droplet enhancing! The simple face mask is
Aerosolization - HFNC Simulation ... Aerosolization #HFNC #Simulation
3 Hour Time Lapse - Button Battery Ingestion Simulation

Swallowed button batteries are a medical emergency! This
Battery Ingestion Simulation ... Battery #Ingestion #Simulation
Effect of PEEP on Lung Recruitment - Bag-Mask Ventilation (Pig Lungs)

Before and after adding a PEEP
Lungs #Cadaver #Simulation
Adrenal Insufficiency Algorithm - Cosyntropin Stimulation Test
T-1m: Baseline cortisol drawn
T0: 250 µg cosyntropin given IV
T30m: Repeat
- Cosyntropin Stimulation ... #Cosyntropin #Stimulation
Adrenal Insufficiency Diagnosis Algorithm
Clinical features: 
 - Weight loss, anorexia, Weakness, fatigue, GI distress
 - Hypotension,
with cosyntropin stimulation ... #Cosyntropin #Stimulation
Diagnosis Adrenal Insufficiency - Algorithm

Step 1) Screening Test: 6-8AM Cortisol Level
 - Early morning cortisol levels
Test: Cosyntropin Stimulation ... Diagnosis #ACTH #Stimulation
Train of Four monitoring is commonly used by anesthesiologists to determine the adequacy of paralytic agents
neuromuscular #stimulation