7172 results
Abdominal evisceration with gastrointestinal peristalsis. 

#clinical #physicalexam #trauma #video #evisceration #hernia #peristalsis #abdominal #eviscerated #smallbowel
#clinical #physicalexam ... #eviscerated #smallbowel
US demonstrating a dilated loop of bowel with retrograde peristalsis (to and from sign or "whirling")
Vermeulen) #Clinical ... #Abdomen #SBO #SmallBowel
Small Bowel Obstruction (Courtesy of Joshua Guttman MD)

#Clinical #POCUS #Abdomen #SBO #SmallBowel #Obstruction
Guttman MD) #Clinical ... #Abdomen #SBO #SmallBowel
Small Bowel Obstruction on Abdominal Ultrasound

Dr. J. Christian Fox @jchristianfox

#SBO #SmallBowel #Obstruction #Ultrasound #POCUS #Clinical #Abdominal
jchristianfox #SBO #SmallBowel ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Clinical
To and Fro Peristalsis in Small Bowel Obstruction on POCUS

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Peristalsis #SmallBowel #Obstruction #POCUS
#Peristalsis #SmallBowel ... Obstruction #POCUS #clinical
Small Bowel Obstruction and Ascites on POCUS

- Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

#SmallBowel #Obstruction
PittIMPOCUS #SmallBowel ... Ascites #POCUS #clinical
Plicae Circulares in Small Bowel Obstruction - Point of Care Ultrasound

Dr. J. Christian Fox @jchristianfox

#Plicae #Circulares
Circulares #SBO #SmallBowel ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Clinical
US demonstrating a dilated loop of bowel with retrograde peristalsis (to and from sign or "whirling")
Vermeulen) #Clinical ... #Abdomen #SBO #SmallBowel
Small Bowel Obstruction on POCUS
73 yo F abdominal pain and vomiting. Dx made within minutes.
MaimoUltrasound #SBO #SmallBowel ... Obstruction #POCUS #clinical
Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) on POCUS
1. Dilated >2.5 cm
2. "Poo and Fro"
3. Tanga (free fluid)

Dr. Michael
Prats @PratsEM #SmallBowel ... Obstruction #SBO #POCUS #Clinical