71 results
Aspirin prescribing algorithm for primary and secondary prevention.

Infographic via @thecurbsiders

#Aspirin #Deprescribing #algorithm #indications #management #primary #secondary
Aspirin prescribing ... thecurbsiders #Aspirin #Deprescribing
Prescribing cascade is when a new drug is prescribed, causing an adverse drug effect that is
Prescribing cascade ... Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) - Adverse Effects and Prescribing Tips

#Management #Pharmacology #PPI #Adverse #SideEffects #Prescribing #ProtonPumpInhibitor
Adverse Effects and Prescribing ... #SideEffects #Prescribing
Algorithm for Prescribing QTC-prolonging Medications

#QTC #prolonging #Medications #Algorithm #Prescribing #management #Torsades #RiskFactors #Prolongation
Algorithm for Prescribing ... Medications #Algorithm #Prescribing
Diabetes Medication Prescribing Algorithm

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/featured

#Diabetes #Medications #Prescribing #Algorithm #management
Diabetes Medication Prescribing ... #Medications #Prescribing
Deprescribing Algorithm for Deciding Order and Mode in which Drug Use Could be Discontinued

#Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Deprescribing Algorithm ... Management #Geriatrics #Deprescribing
Prescribing Resuscitation IV Fluids
Assess for hypovolaemia (ABCDE)
Reassess (ABCDE)

- Dr. Ashley Miller @icmteaching

#Resuscitation #IVFluids #Prescribing #management
Prescribing Resuscitation ... Resuscitation #IVFluids #Prescribing
STOPPFrail screening tool for deprescribing medications in frail older adults with poor survival prognosis. 

#STOPPFrail #Deprescribing
screening tool for deprescribing ... #STOPPFrail #Deprescribing
NOAC / DOAC Pharmacology and Prescribing Cheat Sheet
Novel (or Direct) Oral Anti-Coagulants
 • Rivaroxaban
 • Apixaban
Pharmacology and Prescribing ... #Pharmacology #Prescribing
Cholinesterase Inhibitor (ChEl) and Memantine Deprescribing Algorithm 

To support health care professionals in employing the recommendations
and Memantine Deprescribing ... developed a two-page deprescribing ... Cholinesterase #Inhibitors #Deprescribing