41 results
Causes of Postoperative Hypercarbia:
 - drug-induced central respiratory depression 
 - intrapulmonary abnormality 
Causes of Postoperative ... space Expired soda ... MarkHarrisMD #Postoperative
Anesthesia for the Obese Patient: Preoperative Evaluation, Intraoperative Management, and Postoperative Management

#Anesthesia #Obese #Obesity #Management #Preoperative
Management, and Postoperative
Alveolar Recruitment
Effect of Intensive vs Moderate Alveolar Recruitment Strategies Added to Lung-Protective Ventilation on Postoperative Pulmonary
Ventilation on Postoperative ... VisualAbstract #Postoperative
Risk Factors Associated with Post-operative Pulmonary Complications 

• Asthma/ COPD 
• Recent respiratory infection 
pancuronium Postoperative ... complications #PACU #postoperative
Chvostek Sign on Physical Exam

Young man presented with history of fatigue, muscle cramps and features suggestive
following poor intake postoperative
Systemic Glucocorticoid Dose Equivalents. 

Note: approximate equivalent dose is based on anti-inflammatory potency. Fludrocortisone is not
vomiting) and PONV (postoperative
Postoperative Hemorrhagic Pericardial effusion with Left Ventricular Compression and Tamponade

- Reza Karimianpour, D.O. https://twitter.com/officialdrk12

#Postoperative #Pericardial #Effusion
Postoperative Hemorrhagic ... officialdrk12 #Postoperative
Chvostek Sign on Physical Exam

Young man presented with history of fatigue, muscle cramps and features suggestive
following poor intake postoperative
Perioperative Management of DOACs
 ✖ Each year approximately 250,000 patients on chronic anticoagulation in North America
Surgery: 24 hours postoperative ... Surgery: 48-72 hours postoperative
An important part of an anesthesiologist's job is obviously to ensure patient stability during a procedure,
intraoperative #postoperative