2770 results
Molluscum Contagiosum 
 • Most common in school-age children 
 • Transmitted by direct contact
the palms and soles ... Management ... Diagnosis #Clinical #Management
Kawasaki Disease (KD) - Diagnosis and Management Summary

Kawasaki Disease (KD) is the most common vasculitis of
Diagnosis and Management ... Erythema of palms or soles ... lymphadenopathy Management ... pediatrics #diagnossi #management
Erruption on Sole of Foot Associated with Secondary Syphillis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical
Erruption on Sole ... Dermatology #SkinRash #Soles
Syphilis Rash on Palms and Soles

#Syphilis #Rash #Palms #Soles #clinical #dermatology #skin #secondary #PhysicalExam
Rash on Palms and Soles ... #Rash #Palms #Soles
SAPHO Syndrome Summary

SAPHO syndrome is a rare chronic inflammatory disorder of bone, joint, and skin characterized
the palms and soles ... Rheumatology #diagnosis #management
Differential Diagnosis of Palmar and Plantar Rashes
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Rashes #Palmar #Plantar #Palms #Soles #Differential #Causes #Table
Plantar #Palms #Soles
Endocarditis Signs

 - Osler's Node: Painful red fingers/toes ➔ immune
 - Janeway Lesion: Painless palms/soles ➔
Painless palms/soles
Christmas Tree Rash of Pityriasis rosea
 - small oval scaling patches
 - Christmas tree pattern
involve palms/soles ... (involve palms/soles
Skin Findings in Endocarditis - Skin findings include palpable petechiae, splinter hemorrhages (nail bed lesions), Janeway
the palms and soles

Monkeypox virus belongs to the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and genus orthopoxvirus
Viral zoonotic disease that is
Occurs on palms and soles ... MPOX #Diagnosis #Management