2153 results
Positive Babinski Reflex with dorsiflexion of the big toe after stroking the sole of the foot.
after stroking the sole ... Pediatrics #Clinical #Video
Plantar Grasp Reflex

The plantar grasp reflex is elicited by pressing a thumb against the sole of
thumb against the sole ... #PhysicalExam #Video
Normal (Negative) Babinski / Plantar Reflex

The plantar reflex is a reflex elicited when the sole of
elicited when the sole ... Normal #Clinical #Video
Erruption on Sole of Foot Associated with Secondary Syphillis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical
Erruption on Sole ... Dermatology #SkinRash #Soles
Stepping Primitive Reflex on Newborn Physical Exam 

The stepping or walking reflex is obtained by holding
the mat with the sole ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Syphilis Rash on Palms and Soles

#Syphilis #Rash #Palms #Soles #clinical #dermatology #skin #secondary #PhysicalExam
Rash on Palms and Soles ... #Rash #Palms #Soles
Positive (Abnormal) Babinski Reflex / Plantar Reflex

The plantar reflex is a reflex elicited when the sole
elicited when the sole ... Abnormal #Clinical #Video
Differential Diagnosis of Palmar and Plantar Rashes
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Rashes #Palmar #Plantar #Palms #Soles #Differential #Causes #Table
Plantar #Palms #Soles
Endocarditis Signs

 - Osler's Node: Painful red fingers/toes ➔ immune
 - Janeway Lesion: Painless palms/soles ➔
Painless palms/soles
Christmas Tree Rash of Pityriasis rosea
 - small oval scaling patches
 - Christmas tree pattern
involve palms/soles ... (involve palms/soles