73 results
A POCUS is done starting first at the distal posterior thigh on non-painful, normal appearing tissue.

Thigh #Muscle #Longitudinal ... #SonoStuff
To evaluate the hip for an effusion with POCUS begin just medial to the ASIS, in
will give you a longitudinal ... Ortho #POCUS #Hip #Longitudinal ... #Pyomyositis #SonoStuff
POCUS - Pyomyositis - Long Axis - A collection that is not acute may not appear
Ortho #POCUS #Hip #Longitudinal ... #Pyomyositis #SonoStuff
Ultrasound of the Week - Achilles tendon rupture, complete

#Clinical #POCUS #Longitudinal #Achilles #Tendon #Ruptured #Complete #Tear
Clinical #POCUS #Longitudinal
Right Ventricular Structure and Function

- Almost 75 % of the RV systolic function is dependent in
is dependent in longitudinal ... the RV and RA longitudinal ... endocardial is mainly longitudinal
Focused Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound - Transducer positions for aortic scan. Proximal (A), Mid-aorta (B), Distal (C),
Distal (C), and Longitudinal
Localizing Extraocular Movement Disorders
 • CN Ill (Oculomotor) Nerve Palsy 
 • CN IV (Trochlear) Nerve
palsy • Medial Longitudinal
This is what the intimal flap of an Aortic Dissection looks like on Ultrasound. Be able
Aorta #Aortic #Longitudinal
Wall-eyed bilateral inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO) Syndrome

In this specific case, the lesion is bilaterally in the
in the medial longitudinal
Extension teardrop fracture - Small triangular avulsion of anteroinferior vertebral body, at insertion point of anterior
point of anterior longitudinal