472 results
Ground-glass opacity
Ground-glass opacity (GGO) represents:
- Filling of the alveolar spaces with pus, edema, hemorrhage, inflammation or
of the alveolar spaces ... result of air space ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
Left Atrium
 - The upper posterior border of the heart is formed by the left atrium.
lower retrosternal space ... this retrosternal space ... Cardiac #Chambers #RadiologyAssistant
Right upper lobe atelectasis
1) triangular density
2) elevated right hilus
3) obliteration of the retrosternal clear space (arrow)
retrosternal clear space ... Collapse #LungCancer #RadiologyAssistant
Whenever you see an area of increased density within the lung, it must be the result
or mass - any space ... Consolidation #Patterns #RadiologyAssistant
Aortopulmonary window
The aortopulmonary window is the interface below the aorta and above the pulmonary trunk and
the retrosternal space ... Hodgkins #Lymphoma #RadiologyAssistant
Left upper lobe atelectasis
What are the findings?
 - Minimal volume loss with elevation of the left
the retrosternal space ... Collapse #APWindow #RadiologyAssistant
Key findings in alveolar proteinosis
- Crazy paving pattern: reticular pattern superimposed on ground glass opacification.
- Opacifications
from the alveolar space ... #CrazyPaving #RadiologyAssistant
Honeycombing represents the second reticular pattern recognizable on HRCT.
Because of the cystic appearance, honeycombing is also
of small cystic spaces ... UsualInterstitialPneumonia #RadiologyAssistant
The distribution of nodules shown on HRCT is the most important factor in making an accurate
centrilobular nodules spare ... Comparison #Diagram #RadiologyAssistant
Honeycombing is defined by the presence of small cystic spaces with irregularly thickened walls composed of
of small cystic spaces ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant