513 results
Eyelid Melanoma - Despite conservative interventions, the stye had persisted and the skin had become noticeably
A biopsy specimen ... Melanoma #Microscopy #NEJM
Histologic Features and Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH is a potentially progressive type of nonalcoholic
in liver-biopsy specimens ... HCC #Prevalence #NEJM
Tumbu Fly Larvae - The following day, the cellulitis appeared worse, and oscillatory movements of larvae
larvae were of the species ... CordylobiaAnthropophaga #Larvae #NEJM
Physical examination revealed extensive umbilicated papules (Panel A). A biopsy specimen obtained from a papule showed
A biopsy specimen ... TalaromycesMarneffei #NEJM
Cutaneous Actinomycosis - the left knee was noted to have edema, erythema, hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratinization, and several
grew actinomyces species ... SplendoreHoeppli #Microscopy #NEJM
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - A laparoscopic exploration revealed a smooth liver with normal consistency and morphologic features
A biopsy specimen ... Syndrome #Microscopy #NEJM
Tinea Capitis in a Newborn- A 3-week-old male newborn was brought to the pediatrician with three
identified trichophyton species ... clinical #photo #NEJM
Nodular Lymphoid Hyperplasia - gastroduodenoscopy, which revealed numerous nodules in the duodenum (Panel A). Multiple biopsies
examination of the specimens ... Hyperplasia #Microscopy #NEJM
Acute Dacryocystitis- A 4-week-old boy was brought to the emergency department after having drainage from both
Culture of a specimen ... #NEJM #clinical
Evolution of Purpura Fulminans - On physical examination, he had small purpura on his legs (Panel
immediately after blood specimens ... Meningococcemia #NEJM