1173 results
Dizziness and Vertigo Algorithm
 • Feels "faint" or like they are going to "pass out"
like "room is spinning ... balanced when standing
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Ascending and Descending Tracts

By @rev.med

#Spinal #Cord #Anatomy #Ascending #Descending #Tracts #Columns
Cord Anatomy - Ascending ... Cord #Anatomy #Ascending
Intraoperative Opening of Aortic Dissection - Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Bobby Yanagawa @BobbyYanagawa

#Intraoperative #Opening #Aortic #Dissection #aorta #surgery
Intraoperative Opening ... Intraoperative #Opening
Stanford classification:
- Type A: Ascending aorta
- Type B: Distal to ascending aorta
#Diagnosis #Aortic #Dissection #Aorta #Classification
classification: - Type A: Ascending ... Type B: Distal to ascending
Chronic Osteomyelitis on Femur X-Ray
Characteristic imaging features include
1. Sequestrum: Dead bone fragment separated from surrounding bone
Cloaca: An opening ... clinical #radiology #msk
#Cranial Nerves Summary

Cranial Nerve 
Opening to the Skull

#Cranial #Nerve #Anatomy
Function Component Opening
Shedding frequency of SARS_COV_2 in various clinical samples. Summary: highest in sputum (for those with productive
Shedding frequency ... Sridhar @sid8998 #Shedding
Aortic Dissection - Stanford / DeBakey Classification
Stanford A / DeBakey II - Dissection involving the ascending
involving the ascending ... involving both the ascending
Nephron Physiology and Transporters
 • Proximal Tubule
 • Thick Ascending Limb
 • Distal Convoluted Tubule
Tubule • Thick Ascending
Types of Brain Herniation
1) Uncal Transtentorial
2) Central Transtentorial
3) Subfalcine
4) Transcalvarial
5) Ascending Transtentorial
6) Tonsilar

#Brain #Herniation #Types #Classification
Transcalvarial 5) Ascending