4703 results
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
Posterior #clinical #video ... #msk #sports #orthopedics
Olecranon Bursitis on Elbow Examination

Video via @inertiamedical

#Olecranon #Bursitis #msk #sports #orthopedics #elbow #physicalexam #clinical #video
Examination Video ... Bursitis #msk #sports ... physicalexam #clinical #video
Hip Reduction after Dislocation

#Hip #Reduction #Dislocation #clinical #video #physicalexam #sports #orthopedics #msk
Dislocation #clinical #video ... #physicalexam #sports
Severe Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

#Anterior #Shoulder #Dislocation #clinical #video #orthopedics #physicalexam #msk #sports
Dislocation #clinical #video ... physicalexam #msk #sports
Normal (Negative) Lachman Test for ACL Injury

Andrew Dold, MD @dr.dold.md

#Lachmans #test #ACL #Knee #Injury #Normal #Negative
Negative #clinical #video ... #PhysicalExam #Sports
Patellar Fracture Injury - Patellar Rupture caught in real-time during an MMA match.

#Patellar #Fracture #Injury #clinical
Injury #clinical #video ... #Rupture #sports
Split, Fractured Patella on Knee Exam

30 years old male, 10 years post motorbike accident.  Split,
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #orthopedics #sports
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Slow Motion

Dr. Boris Gojanovic @DrSportSante

#Achilles #Tendon #Rupture #SlowMotion #clinical #Video #Sports #Mechanism
SlowMotion #clinical #Video ... #Sports #Mechanism
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Slow Motion

Achilles injury in a sprinter.

#Achilles #Tendon #Rupture #clinical #video #physicalexam #orthopedics
Rupture #clinical #video ... orthopedics #msk #sports
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Slow Motion

Caused by high speed knee extension with ankle dorsiflexion.

Dr. Boris Gojanovic
SlowMotion #clinical #Video ... #Sports #Mechanism