3 results
Costoclavicular Maneuver for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

To perform the Costoclavicular Maneuver, draw the patient's shoulders inferiorly and
the patient's shoulders ... #Syndrome #Shoulder ... #PhysicalExam # ... clinical #video #sports ... #msk #orthopedics
Cyriax Release Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Positioned behind the patient, the examiner tilt's the patient's drunk
Cyriax Release Test ... the patient's shoulder ... #video #physicalexam ... #vascular #msk ... #orthopedics #sports
Yergason's Test on Shoulder Examination
Patient Position: Sitting
Examiner Position: Standing adjacent to the test arm. One hand
Maneuver: The patient ... #PhysicalExam # ... clinical #video #msk ... #orthopedics #sports ... #biceps #tendinitis