2402 results
Acute Altered Mental Status - Rapid Response Management

1) Ask while en route: vitals, hyper/hypoactive, POC glucose,
Categorize and stabilize ... encephalopathy #differential
Myasthenic Crisis Checklist - Myasthenia Gravis

 - Chest X-ray and lung ultrasound (exclude other lung
Phos), CBC with differential ... fastest approach to stabilize
Gerstmann Syndrome
1) Finger agnosia - Inability to name their own fingers, affecting both sides
2) Right-left confusion
Finger agnosia - Inability ... Right-left confusion - Inability ... to differentiate ... 3) Acalculia - Inability ... without alexia) - Inability
C1 and C2 Fractures and Injuries - Which Fractures are Stable and Unstable

#Diagnosis #Orthopedics #C1C2 #Cervical
Fractures #Unstable #Stability
Causes of Edema - Differential Diagnosis
Pitting Edema:
  ↑ Hydrostatic - Too Much Fluid
Causes of Edema - Differential ... Activation • Inability ... nonpitting #Edema #Differential
Algorithm showing a stepwise approach to the assessment and investigation of a possible neuropathy. CIDP, chronic
neuropathy with liability ... Algorithm #Evaluation #Differential
Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Typical location of the osteochondral defect
assessment of stability ... deep to lesion Differential
Suspected catheter-related bloodstream infection - Management Algorithm
 • Temperature 37.8 C   • Rigors
• Hemodynamic instability ... No hemodynamic stability ... • Hemodynamic instability
Posteromedial Instability on Knee Exam
This is what a knee with posteromedial instability looks like. Notice the
Posteromedial Instability ... posteromedial instability ... Posteromedial #Instability
C3-C7 Fractures and Injuries - Which Fractures are Stable and Unstable

#Diagnosis #Orthopedics #C3C7 #Cervical #Fractures #Unstable
Fractures #Unstable #Stability