5 results
Thomas' Test for Hip Flexure Contracture

Thomas' Test assesses for hip flexure contracture.
One hip is maximally flexed
the patient's chest ... flexes at the knee ... rises off the table ... #clinical #video ... #sports #msk #orthopedics
Thomas' Test for Hip Flexibility

Patient lays supine, one hip is maximally flexed to the patient's chest,
the patient's chest ... flexes at the knee ... #Flexor #contracture ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #sports #msk #orthopedics
Common Dermatological Conditions - Distribution and Morphology
 • Acne vulgaris - Face, upper back, chest -
associated with signs ... Psoriasis - Elbows, knees ... of extremities, flexor ... Trunk, especially anterior ... #differential #diagnosis
Sarcoidosis - Diagnosis and Management Summary
1) High incidence in Scandinavian countries (11-24 cases per 100,000 individuals
symptoms are not caused ... dyspnea, cough, chest ... nodes: 13-15%, skin ... papules, nodules; anterior ... #Management #Signs
Anti-NXP-2 Dermatomyositis

DM with generalized subcutaneous edema
Pts have more myalgias, more severe weakness, and an increased prevalence
the face, or the anterior ... chest (in a V-sign ... shoulders (in a shawl sign ... Muscle atrophy may cause ... disease with muscle contractures