676 results
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Overlap

 SJS-TEN overlap and TEN - Surface Epidermal
Stevens-Johnson ... #SJS #TEN #Stevens ... Epidermal #Necrolysis #Comparison
Pathergy versus Koebner

- Dr. Steven Chen https://twitter.com/DrStevenTChen

#Pathergy #Koebner #Versus #Comparison #Dermatology #Diagnosis
Steven Chen https ... Koebner #Versus #Comparison
ICU Intubation - Severe Complication Rates

Optimise, don't compromise: peri-intubation physiology

- Dr. Steve Mathieu https://twitter.com/stevemathieu75 

#ICU #Intubation
Steve Mathieu https ... Complications #Rates #EBM #Comparison
Tweetorial - Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

By Dr. Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen

#StevensJohnsonSyndrome #SJS #Dermatology #Diagnosis #Tweetorial #Pathphysiology
Tweetorial - Stevens ... Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen
Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - Causative Medications 
and Level of Suspicion 

High Risk:
Stevens Johnson ... Causes #SJSTEN #Stevens
Topical Steroids Cheat Sheet

Dr. Steven Chen https://twitter.com/DrStevenTChen

#Topical #Steroids #CheatSheet #Dermatology #Tips #Management #Classes
Steven Chen https
Ascites Drain Placement - Paracentesis Landmarks

by Naomi Robson @robson_visuals, Dr. Keith Siau @drkeithsiau, Dr. Steven Bollipo
Steven Bollipo @
Colonoscopy Tips and Tricks 

By Dr. Steven Bollipo @stevenbollipo and Dr. Enrik Aguila @enrrikke

#Colonoscopy #Tips #Tricks
Steven Bollipo @

Read on for tips on how to prescribe them, which one to
Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen
Central Distribution, Febrile / Ill:
 - Viral Exanthem 
 - Lyme Disease (erythema migrans) 
Central Distribution,
Target Lesions: - Stevens-Johnson