119 results
Sputum culture from a patient with Strongyloides hyperinfection.  The larvae burrow through the agar tracking
burrow through the agar ... Strongyloides #strongyloidiasis ... sputum #culture #agar
Microscopic Colitis - AGA Guideline Management ALgorithm

#Microscopic #Colitis #Management #Treatment #algorithm #gastroenterology
Microscopic Colitis - AGA
Abiotrophia defectiva on Blood Culture and Microscopy
 - only growing on Chocolate Agar
 - Gram pos
growing on Chocolate Agar
Mobile Cardiac Thrombus on POCUS Echocardiogram

- Dr. Alexandre Aby Azar @alexandre_aby

#Intracardiac #Thrombus #Mobile #Pinball #Clinical #POCUS
Cardiac Thrombus on POCUS ... Alexandre Aby Azar ... Pinball #Clinical #POCUS
Management of Necrotizing Pancreatitis

Severe Pancreatitis
Diagnosis of Pancreatic Necrosis
Infected Necrosis
Complications of Severe Pancreatitis: 
1) Pancreatic Fistula
2) Disconnected
gastroenterology #AGA
...Typically, term babies are appropriate for gestational age (AGA) when their weights fall between 5lb 12oz
for gestational age ... (AGA) when their ... about 7 pounds is AGA ... peds #pediatrics #AGA
String Test in Carbapenem-resistant hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-hvKP)
Hypermucoviscosity (HMV) phenotype is a known virulent factor of
the colony on an agar
Oroya Fever
Hematologic disease caused by Bartonella bacilliformis
Restricted to the Andes highlands of Peru & Ecuador
B. bacilliformis:
using Columbia Agar
AAA is defined as a localized balloon-like dilatation of the abdominal aorta greater than 3cm. Risk
AAA is defined as ... sex, increased age ... This AAA has an ... have claimed that POCUS ... Clinical #Radiology #POCUS
CRIES is a 10-point scale, using a physiologic basis similar to APGAR: Crying; Requires increased oxygen
basis similar to APGAR ... normal range for age