453 results
Tinea Versicolor - Physical examination revealed large, coalescing, hypopigmented patches and macules on her torso and
pattern in the superficial ... Microscopy #Spaghetti #NEJM
Dirofilaria repens- Patient had first noted a nodule below her left eye (Panel A). Five days
examination showed a superficial ... clinical #photo #NEJM
Ocular Rosacea - Slit-lamp examination revealed telangiectasia with hyperemia of the eyelid margins, conjunctival hyperemia, and
hyperemia, and superficial ... Pseudopterygium #NEJM
Eye Injury from a Firecracker - Slit-lamp examination of the left eye revealed multiple foreign bodies
bodies embedded at superficial ... Cornea #Orbit #NEJM
Squamous-Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue - Intraoral examination revealed a well-circumscribed superficial ulcer, with a homogeneous
well-circumscribed superficial ... Squamous #Microscopy #NEJM
Extramammary Paget’s Disease - The physical examination revealed an erythematous velvety plaque with superficial white scale
velvety plaque with superficial ... ExtramammaryPaget #NEJM
Mondor’s Disease - Physical examination revealed a tender subcutaneous cord that began below the right anterior
consistent with superficial ... MondorsDisease #NEJM
Pyoderma Gangrenosum in Ulcerative Colitis- ...left chest (Panel A) and leg (Panel B). The physical examination
epidermal and superficial ... clinical #photo #NEJM
Lower Extremity Venous Thrombosis - Management and Anatomy

Deep - Superficial - Active Bleeding

#LowerExtremity #Veins #Venous #Thrombosis
Anatomy Deep - Superficial ... Venous #Thrombosis #Superficial
Upper Extremity Venous Thrombosis - Management and Anatomy

Deep - Superficial - Catheter Associated

#UpperExtremity #Veins #Venous #Thrombosis
Anatomy Deep - Superficial ... Venous #Thrombosis #Superficial