9 results
PocketPEM - Parkland Formula #Diagnosis #Peds #EM #Burn #Parkland #Formula #BSA #SurfaceArea #PocketCard #PocketPEM
PocketPEM - Parkland ... Peds #EM #Burn #Parkland ... #Formula #BSA #SurfaceArea
Parkland Formula for Burns
Calculates fluid requirements for burn patients in a 24-hour period.  Apply only
Parkland Formula ... Weight (kg) #Parkland
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Overlap

 SJS-TEN overlap and TEN - Surface Epidermal
#Distribution #SurfaceArea
Garland Triad on Chest X-Ray in Sarcoidosis 
aka Pawnbroker's Sign - Right paratracheal and bilateral hilar
Garland Triad on ... Pal @drdevrad #Garland
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Garland #Triad #GarlandTriad #Sarcoidosis #Lymphadenopathy #ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
Radiology #CXR #Garland
Supracondylar Elbow Fractures - Diagnosis, Radiographic Features and Management Guide

 - By Dr. Sarah Edwards 
Fractures #Types #Gartland
Rule of Nine's

Wallace Rule of Nines for determining percent of burned body surface area. 

Contributed by
Domain) From: Parkland
Enlargement of the hili is usually due to lymphadenopathy or enlarged vessels.
In this case there is
Radiology #CXR #Garland
The "rule of nines" is a method used to estimate the total body surface area (TBSA)
Nines #diagnosis #SurfaceArea