2212 results
Hypotension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
Anesthesiology - Differential ... Verify BP (e.g. surgeon ... oxygenation) - Inform surgeon ... Anesthesiology #Differential
Hypertension in Anesthesiology - Differential Diagnosis and Management 

Initial checklist: 
 - Verify BP (e.g. surgeon
Anesthesiology - Differential ... Verify BP (e.g. surgeon ... Anesthesiology #Differential
Surgeon's Knot - Surgery Knot Tying Practice

Tying a two handed surgeon’s knot (when you have some
Surgeon's Knot - ... Tying a two handed surgeon ... drdevirgilio #surgeons
Tongue Pathology 

Geographic tongue, fissured tongue, and hairy tongue are the most common tongue problems and
require biopsy to differentiate ... maxillofacial surgeon ... head and neck surgeon
Gout (Gouty Arthritis) - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Eccentric soft-tissue densities surrounding the third proximal interphalangeal
Therefore, the hand surgeon ... Differential diagnosis
Surgeon's Knot
Surgeon’s knot adds extra twist, makes 1st knot more secure when there’s wound tension, for
Surgeon's Knot ... Surgeon’s knot adds ... drdevirgilio #Surgeons
Tying a Surgeon's Knot

- Dr. Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas @PipeCabreraV

#Surgeons #Knots #Surgery #Tying #clinical #video
Tying a Surgeon's ... PipeCabreraV #Surgeons
Instrument Tied Surgeon's Knot - Knot Tying

Dr Luis Felipe Cabrera Vargas MD @PipeCabreraV

#Surgeons #Instrument #Knot #Tying
Instrument Tied Surgeon's ... PipeCabreraV #Surgeons
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons protocol poster for the resuscitation of patients who arrest after cardiac
Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Cauda Equina Syndrome:

Top tips to save your arse (and your patient’s!)

1. Suspect? Investigate. If CES (threatened,
’t call spinal surgeons