3005 results
Thyroid Goiter in Severe Hypothyroidism on Neck Physical Examination

TSH 124. Hashimoto’s, lost to care and thyroid
moves up with swallowing ... Hypothyroidism #endocrinology
Thyroid Goiter on Physical Exam

Mother and daughter both presenting with thyroid goiters caused by iodine deficiency.
goiter moves with swallowing ... iodine #deficiency #endocrinology
Barium Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS)

#Barium #Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic #Swallowing #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy #clinical
Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing ... #fluoroscopic #Swallowing
Retrosternal Thyroid Goiter on Physical Exam

Note the movement with swallowing, indicating a thyroid mass.

#Retrosternal #Thyroid #Goiter
movement with swallowing ... clinical #video #endocrinology
Thyroid Storm Diagnosis and Management Checklist

Dr. Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Thyroid #Storm #Checklist #Diagnosis #Management #Endocrinology #CriticalCare
Diagnosis and Management ... Checklist #Diagnosis #Management ... #Endocrinology
Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes - Algorithm

#Diabetes #Medications #Algorithm #Pharmacology #Pharmacotherapy #Hypoglycemic #Management #Endocrinology
#Hypoglycemic #Management ... #Endocrinology
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

#Hyperthyroidism #Treatment #Management #Pharmacology #Medications #Comparison #Table #Endocrinology #AAFP #Propylthiouracil #Methimazole
Hyperthyroidism #Treatment #Management ... Comparison #Table #Endocrinology
Profiles of Antidiabetic Medications - AACE 2018 

#Antidiabetic #Medications #Profiles #SideEffects #Table #DecisionAid #Orals #DM2 #Diabetes
DM2 #Diabetes #Endocrinology ... #Pharmacology #Management
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Algorithm (DKA)

-  Usama Nasir MD @usamanasirmd 

#Diabetic #Ketoacidosis #Algorithm #DKA #Diabetes #Management #Endocrinology
DKA #Diabetes #Management ... #Endocrinology
AACE/ACE 2018 Glycemic Control Algorithm

#AACE #2018 #Glycemic #Diabetes #DM2 #Control #Medication #Algorithm #Endocrinology #PrimaryCare #Management
Medication #Algorithm #Endocrinology ... #PrimaryCare #Management