7639 results
Barium Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS)

#Barium #Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic #Swallowing #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy #clinical
Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing ... #fluoroscopic #Swallowing
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Dysphagia:Oropharyngeal:
- Characterized by difficulty initiating swallowing and accompanied by choking/coughing, nasopharyngeal
difficulty initiating swallowing ... after initiating swallowing ... coordinated by medulla #Diagnosis
Swallowing Disorders in the Older Population @AGSjournal

Oral preparatory phase
Oral transport phase
Pharyngeal phase
Esophageal phase

#Geriatrics #SwallowingDisorders #Dysphagia
Swallowing Disorders
Bowel perforation on POCUS.

At beginning of clip, free air from a perforated viscous displaces liver from
perforation on POCUS ... air is displaced allowing ... #perforation #POCUS
Myasthenia Gravis
Signs, Symptoms and Testing - Likelihood Ratios
Does this patient have myasthenia gravis?
JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14.
in mouth after swallowing ... eye movements #Diagnosis
Thyroid Goiter in Severe Hypothyroidism on Neck Physical Examination

TSH 124. Hashimoto’s, lost to care and thyroid
moves up with swallowing
Wolff-Parkinson White 
Preexcitation syndrome where an accessory pathway (Bundle of Kent) directly connects the atria 
and ventricles allowing ... WPW #Cardiology #Diagnosis
Thyroid Goiter on Physical Exam

Mother and daughter both presenting with thyroid goiters caused by iodine deficiency.
goiter moves with swallowing
Cardiac POCUS.  #diagnosis #em #cardiology #pocus
Cardiac POCUS. ... #diagnosis #em # ... cardiology #pocus
Gastric Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats

#Gastric #Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis
Gastric Ultrasound - POCUS ... Gastric #Ultrasound #POCUS ... Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis