1030 results
Mnemonics for bedside risk stratification of minor pediatric blunt head trauma, based on PECARN studies:
Blunt Head
Age - SCALPS - Tim ... #Management #Peds
Mnemonics for bedside risk stratification of minor pediatric blunt head trauma, based on PECARN studies:
Blunt Head
Age - BASILaR - Tim ... #Management #Peds
3 Hour Time Lapse - Button Battery Ingestion Simulation - mp4 video version here: https://www.grepmed.com/images/14833

Swallowed button
3 Hour Time Lapse ... TimeLapse #Batteries #Peds
Clinical features of shock from dehydration in an infant

Decreased level of consciousness 
Sunken fontanelle 
Dry mucous
capillary refill time ... #Dehydration #Peds
Newborn Assessment - APGAR Score

Assessment of newborn vital signs following labor via a 10-point scale evaluated
remains low at later time ... #Diagnosis #Peds
Assessment of the Child with Chronic Asthma
Are there other allergic disorders?
 - Allergic rhinitis
 - Eczema,
Interference with life, time ... Assessment #diagnosis #peds
Hand XRay - Bone Changes Over Time

Dr. Shadowgazer @DShadowgazer

#HandXRay #Progression #Timeline #HandBones #Bony #Changes #Clinical #Peds
Bone Changes Over Time ... Changes #Clinical #Peds
American College of Critical Care Medicine algorithm for time-sensitive, goal-directed stepwise management of hemodynamic support in
algorithm for time-sensitive ... #CriticalCare #Peds
Plantar Grasp Reflex
A little bit of neurological semiology of the newborn / infant with this super
after the expected time ... Pediatrics #Foot #Peds
3 Hour Time Lapse - Button Battery Ingestion Simulation

Swallowed button batteries are a medical emergency! This
3 Hour Time Lapse ... TimeLapse #Batteries #Peds