4 results
Distal Radius Fracture 
Distal radius fracture is the most common orthopedic injury. Here's a quick summary.
variable gross wrist ... carpal tunnel syndrome ... Radius #Fracture #Forearm ... Distal #Radiology #XRay ... #MSK
Galeazzi Fracture 
Fracture of distal radial shaft with distal radial-ulnar joint disruption. Remember “MUGR” to recall
onto outstretched hand ... and wrist, limited ... Distal #Radiology #XRay ... Diagnosis #Management #Orthopedics ... #MSK
Monteggia Fracture 
Fracture of proximal ulnar shaft with radial head dislocation. Remember “MUGR” to recall where
onto outstretched hand ... forearm, limited ... ), compartment syndrome ... Ulnar #Radiology #XRay ... #Proximal #MSK
Cyriax Release Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Positioned behind the patient, the examiner tilt's the patient's drunk
Test for Thoracic Outlet ... slightly posteriorly and ... the patient's forearms ... physicalexam #vascular #msk ... #orthopedics #sports