622 results
Ascites Management Principles
Low Salt Diet - 2000 Mg Sodium
Fluid Restriction - Never
Work-horse Diuretic - Aldosterone Antagonist
Elliot Tapper @ebtapper ... Management #cirrhosis #hepatology
A cirrhosis tweetorial all about the platelet

- Identify cirrhosis based on blood tests- 
- Understand why
Elliot Tapper @ebtapper ... CBC #Tweetorial #Hepatology
Tweetorial - What's the deal with Ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy?

Try to answer this question while also
Elliot Tapper @ebtapper ... Cirrhosis #Tweetorial #Hepatology
Autoimmune Hepatitis

Clinical Presentation
 - Highly variable clinical presentation, from subclinical disease to acute liver failure.
then gradually taper ... Diagnosis #Management #Hepatology
IDSA Recommendations for the Treatment of Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults
Source: https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/cix1085

#Management #Clostridium #CDifficile #IDSA2017 #Guidelines
Guidelines #Adults #taper
Suggested Treatment Algorithms for the Management of Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis

#Management #Algorithm #GCA #PMR
Arteritis #Steroid #Taper
Rock Paper Scissors - Assessment of Nerve Damage in Upper Limb Injuries
Rock - Median Nerve
Rock Paper Scissors ... Finger Flexion Paper ... joint #Rock #Paper
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return (TAPVR)
 • Introduction
 • Classification
 • Pathophysiology of TAPVR
 • Presentation
Venous Return (TAPVR ... Pathophysiology of TAPVR ... in supracardiac TAPVR ... Venous #Return #TAPVR
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
@JMGardnerMD's paper
Fine Tremor in Hyperthyroidism - Physical Exam

Tremor exaggerated by overlying a piece of paper.

Dr. Bruno Farnetano
overlying a piece of paper