3 results
Inpatient Cath Lab Indications
Cath Lab ASAP:
1. Unstable/cardiogenic shock
2. Severe LV dysfunction or
3. Recurrent/persistent rest angina despite
Cath Lab ASAP: STEMI ... persistent rest angina ... , +ECG changes or ... #Indications #Cardiac ... catheterization #cardiology
Chest Pain / ACS Evaluation Algorithm
Algorithm that attempts to the use history taking (guided by LRs),
Ask about: - Changes ... (+LR 2.6) - Cardiac ... risk factors Calculate ... - History - EKG ... #cardiology #Angina
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
exam Determine Cardiac ... event, follow ACC algorithm ... one post op Cardiology ... Unstable Angina ... postoperative cardiac