208 results
Past-Year Serious Mental Illness among Adults #Epidemiology #PublicHealth #SMI #SeriousMentalIllness #Gender #Ethnicity #Age #NEJM
Past-Year Serious ... Ethnicity #Age #NEJM
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Visual Complaints with Ocular Ultrasonography (POCUS)

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

Complaints with Ocular ... Fadial @thame #Ocular ... #POCUS #Ultrasound
Acanthosis Nigricans and Insulin Resistance - A 27-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of acanthosis
Resistance - A 27-year-old ... presented with a 2-year ... Acanthosis #Nigricans #NEJM
Ocular Ultrasound Pocketcard
Painless Vision Loss
 • Retinal Detachment 
 • Posterior Vitreous Detachment 
 • Vitreous
Ocular Ultrasound ... @Pocus101 #Ocular ... #Ultrasound #pocus
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). Positive "spot sign" on Ocular Ultrasound

78 yo M with sudden onset
"spot sign" on Ocular ... Ultrasound 78 ... Clinical #POCUS #Ocular ... #Ultrasound
Posterior chamber pathology comparison on Ocular POCUS:
- vitreous hemorrhage
- vitreous detachment
- retinal detachment

#Posterior #chamber #pathology #Ocular
comparison on Ocular ... chamber #pathology #Ocular ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Ultrasound of the Week - Achilles tendon rupture, complete

#Clinical #POCUS #Longitudinal #Achilles #Tendon #Ruptured #Complete #Tear
Ultrasound of the ... Ruptured #Complete #Tear
Ophthalmoplegia secondary to Orbital Apex Syndrome

A 61-year-old man presented with retro-orbital pain, near-complete ophthalmoplegia, loss of
Syndrome A 61-year-old ... retro-orbital pain, near-complete ... #PhysicalExam #NEJM
Lens Dislocation on Ocular POCUS

Sudden onset blurred vision, worse looking to the right. + Marfan' Syndrome

Dislocation on Ocular ... #Dislocation #Ocular ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Vitreous Detachment on Ocular POCUS

Ocular US for vitreous detachment can be challenging. When it comes to
Detachment on Ocular ... POCUS Ocular ... Vitreous #Detachment #Ocular ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound