159 results
Extension teardrop fracture - Small triangular avulsion of anteroinferior vertebral body, at insertion point of anterior
Extension teardrop ... spine #Ortho #Teardrop ... Mechanism #Avulsion #ALiEM
Dacrocytes (tear drop cells) 
Other poikilocytes resemble a pear or teardrop. The narrow, tapered end
may be
resemble a pear or teardrop ... Smear #Dacrocytes #Teardrop
Unstable Cervical Spine Fractures 
The common mnemonic “Jefferson Bit Off A Hangman’s Thumb,” is used to
Pedicular Fracture Teardrop ... Fracture (Extension) Teardrop
Differential diagnosis of genital ulcers
Table Comparing HSV, Syphilis, Chancroid and LGV

#Diagnosis #Genital #Ulcers #Differential #Comparison #Table
LGV #Syphilis #ALiEM ... #ALiEM
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Spherocyte, Teardrop
Infographic: Compartment Syndrome #Diagnosis #Managment #Ortho #Compartment #Syndrome #CompartmentSyndrome #FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
FIVEPs #Overview #ALiEM
Asthma Severity Classification and Step Therapy

#Diagnosis #Management #Asthma #Classification #Severity #Step #Therapy #ALiEM
Step #Therapy #ALiEM
Ankle and Hindfoot Fractures - Quick Reference on Acute Orthopedic Management

#Management #Orthopedics #Ankle #Hindfoot #Fractures #Followup
Fractures #Followup #ALiEM
Can’t Miss ECG Findings for the Emergency Medicine Provider
- Christian Rose @ProperPolymath

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #CantMiss
CantMiss #RedFlags #ALiEM
ACLS 2015 Algorithm for Cardiac Arrest #Management #EM #Prehosp #ACLS #2015 #Algorithm #ALiEM
#2015 #Algorithm #ALiEM