524 results
ROTH Score to Assess O2 Sat for Telemedicine

Have pt take deep breath in & count out
Assess O2 Sat for Telemedicine ... O2Sat #Oxygen #Saturation ... Pulseoximetry #Telemedicine
Telehealth algorithm; how do you differentiate telemedicine, e-visit, and virtual check in?

#telehealth; #telemedicine; #e-visit; #virtualcheckin; #algorithm;
differentiate telemedicine ... #telehealth; #telemedicine
#covid19 #coronavirus #sarscov2 #management #telemedicine #checklist
Most patients with covid-19 can be managed remotely with advice on
sarscov2 #management #telemedicine
Iron Panel Interpretation

Iron deficiency - ↓ Iron, ↑-nl Transferrin / TIBC, ↓ Transferrin Saturation,  ↓
↓ Transferrin Saturation ... nl Transferrin Saturation ... ↓ Transferrin Saturation ... nl Transferrin Saturation
Venous Oxygen Saturation to qualify reliability of VBGs
#Diagnosis #VBG #ABG #Saturation #Conversion #Reliability #Comparison
Venous Oxygen Saturation ... Diagnosis #VBG #ABG #Saturation
Normal Intracardiac Pressures and O2 Saturations by Chamber

#Normal #Intracardiac #Pressures #Saturations #Chamber #Cardiology #Diagnosis #Laboratory #Wedge
Pressures and O2 Saturations ... Intracardiac #Pressures #Saturations
White Blood Cell Maturation Chart

#Pathology #WBC #Maturation #Lineage #Chart #Leukocyte #Myeloid #Myeloblast #Lymphocyte
White Blood Cell Maturation ... Pathology #WBC #Maturation
Oxygen Saturation - Measurement Techniques and Limitations
 • Sp02 - Cutaneous pulse oximeter
 • SaO2 Calculated
Oxygen Saturation ... 3rEtbK8 #Oxygen #Saturation
B/T Cell Development
This is a work in progress describing the maturation of B & T cells
Development This is a work ... describing the maturation
Wellens' Syndrome on ECG

A 66-year-old man with hypertension and hyperlipidemia presents after an episode of severe
while walking to work ... 18, and oxygen saturation