4 results
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
complications from anesthesia ... of a difficult airway ... - Oral cavity/Airway ... determine if stress test ... medical and surgical management
There are similarities and differences between these 3 conditions which all carry treatment implications. Each mimic
which all carry treatment ... mimic the “Starved state ... differential #algorithm #management ... #treatment #criticalcare ... #foamed
In ARDS, we know that the lungs are so diffusely injured that the remaining total area
if you can get away ... is likely the best ... pathophysiology #diagnosis #management ... #ards #foamed # ... criticalcare #treatment
Uncertainty Communication Checklist for Patient Discharge

1. Explain to the patient that they are being discharged
2. Ask
Communication Checklist ... Clearly state that ... Clearly state that ... and in what time frame ... #Discharge #Management