5 results
Regulation of Core Body Temperature

#Pathophysiology #Thermoregulation #Body #Temperature #Core #Thermoregulatory

** GrepMed Recommended Text: Hutchison's Clinical Methods
Temperature #Core #Thermoregulatory
Fever - Pyrogen Pathophysiology

 • Bacteria: Lipopolysaccharide components, peptidoglycans and muramyl peptide derivatives, Toxins
hypothalamus → Elevates thermoregulatory
Fever vs Hyperthermia
 • Regulated in the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center
 • "Set point" raised by prostaglandin
the hypothalamic thermoregulatory
Burch-Wartofsky Point Scale for Diagnosis of Thyroid Storm
 • Thermoregulatory Dysfunction
    - Temperature
Thyroid Storm • Thermoregulatory
Rigors And Bacteremia - Overview

• Rigors are a response to the release of cytokines and prostaglandins
hypothalamus → Elevates thermoregulatory