1967 results
Positive Anterior drawer test video

Test for ACL integrity. Knee at 90 degree pulling tibia forward. (+)
+) most likely torn ... #Video #Knee #PhysicalExam
Positive Anterior drawer test video:  Test for ACL integrity. Knee at 90 degree pulling tibia
+) most likely torn ... #Video #Knee #PhysicalExam
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation after Trauma

The retinaculum is torn leading to dislocation of the tendon, leaving the
retinaculum is torn ... sports #ankle #physicalexam
Intraoperative Anterior Drawer Test - ACL

First part of video shows a view of chronically torn ACL,
of chronically torn ... arthroscopy #knee #physicalexam
FAST - Cardiac Tamponade - Torn atrial appendage.
WCUME 2017 Submission for Best POCUS - Massive hemopericardium
Cardiac Tamponade - Torn ... Hemopericardium #Hemorrhage #Torn
BOA	(born out	of asepsis)
#Management #Peds #Born #Asepsis #BOA #PEMSource #Algorithm
BOA (born out of ... Management #Peds #Born
Cutaneous Horn

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Dermatology #Cutaneous #Horn #SkinRash #Photo #UCSDH
Cutaneous Horn ... Dermatology #Cutaneous #Horn
The asphyxia escape reflex is assessed by placing the child in the prone position on the
newborn should turn ... escape #Reflex #PhysicalExam
Pediatric Primitive Reflexes - Maneuver and Ages

Palmar Grasp Reflex
 - Place your fingers into the baby's
and baby will turn ... With baby supine, turn ... Diagnosis #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Acute Myocardial Infarction and ECG Geography by Tor Ercleve

#Diagnosis #ECG #EKG #Diagram #Anatomy #Lead #Geography #Localization
ECG Geography by Tor