10 results
Recommendations for Collection of Specimens for Culture from Diabetic Foot Wounds;  Culture specimens should be
blade or dermal curette ... woundculture #culture #diabeticfoot
Diabetic Foot Infections - Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwounds #photo #surgery
Assessment #clinical #diabeticfoot
Diabetic foot: Primary care assessment and monitoring #Management #PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot #Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening #BMJ
PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot
Diabetic foot risk stratification and triage (NHS Scotland) 2021
Risk stratification – Summary

These risk categories relate to
stratification tool #DiabeticFoot
Tourette Syndrome

#Tourette #Syndrome #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology #psychiatry
Tourette Syndrome ... #Tourette #Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome

#Tourette #Syndrome #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology #psychiatry
Tourette Syndrome ... #Tourette #Syndrome
Tourette Syndrome

#Tourette #Syndrome #clinical #video #physicalexam #neurology #psychiatry
Tourette Syndrome ... #Tourette #Syndrome
Diabetic Foot: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Polyol Pathway - Excess glucose enters Polyol pathway ->
Infection #DiabeticFoot
Determining the Severity of Diabetic Foot Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot #diabeticfootinfection #assessment #wounds #footwound #photo #surgery #diabetes
Infection #clinical #diabeticfoot
Causes of Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Tourette's Syndrome
 • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Algorithm Tics: • Tourette's