277 results
Reproductive Number (R0 "R Naught") showing how contagious / transmissible a pathogen is.  The R0
Reproductive Number ... how contagious / transmissible ... #Reproductive #Number
Infections Rats can Transmit to Humans
Other infections not highlighted include Lassa fever, Plague, Salmonella, Tularemia etc

Ann Marie Kumfer ... Rats #Diseases #Transmissible
Numerical Mnemonic for Salter Harris Fractures 
Imagine numbers drawn through the epiphyseal plate.

#Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris #Fractures
Fractures Imagine numbers ... Types #Mnemonic #Numbers
The second method uses small boxes. Count the number of small boxes for a typical R-R
Count the number ... Divide this number
Adjusted mortality risk and number-needed-to-harm directly comparing the study psychotropic medications compared to antidepressant users

Antipsychotics, Other
mortality risk and number-needed-to-harm ... With Dementia Number
Common Lumbar Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Common Lumbar Root ... Radiculopathy #Lumbar
Hydroxyurea - Pathophysiology and Benefits in Sickle Cell Disease
 • Decreases number of pain crises (
Disease • Decreases number
Headache Differential - Primary vs Secondary
A vast number of diseases can cause a headache. We divide
Secondary A vast number
Lumbar Puncture Bleeding Risk

Discontinuing medications before lumbar puncture
 • Antiplatelets
 • Anticoagulants

#LP #Lumbar #Puncture #Bleeding #Risk
Lumbar Puncture ... medications before lumbar ... Anticoagulants #LP #Lumbar
Spider Angioma on Physical Exam

Spider angiomas are an important physical finding of cirrhosis. The size and
The size and number