394 results
Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube Placement by @jackcfchong
#clinical #management #blakemoretube #UGIbleed #gastroenterology #EsophagealVarices
blakemoretube #UGIbleed ... #gastroenterology
FOBT Testing in Hospitalized Patients with Upper GI Bleed 
Choosing Wisely': Things We Do For No
ChoosingWisely #UGIBleed ... #LGIBleed #TWDFNR
Management Algorithm for Suspected Lower GI Bleed (LGIB)

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/

EricsMedicalLectures/ #Lower #GIBleed ... Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Management Algorithm for Suspected Upper GI Bleed (UGIB)

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong - Strong Medicine https://www.youtube.com/c/EricsMedicalLectures/

EricsMedicalLectures/ #Upper #GIBleed ... Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Upper GI Bleed - Management Algorithm

Upper GI bleed Suspected: Melena, hematemesis, coffee-ground emesis, BRBPR
Initial Stabilization
Concern for
#Bleed #UGIB #GIBleed ... gastrointestinal #gastroenterology
Lower GI Bleed - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

 • Structural: Diverticulosis, Hemorrhoids, Post-polypectomy, Polyps & malignancy, Anal
#Bleed #LGIB #GIBleed ... gastrointestinal #gastroenterology
Upper GI Bleed Management Checklist
 - Recognition
 - Resuscitation 
 - Risk Assessment
 - Rx
drkeithsiau #Upper #GIBleed ... Management #Checklist #gastroenterology
Lower GI Bleed - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 - Diverticulosis
 - Post-Polypectomy Bleeding
 - Hemorrhoids
 - Polyps
SCVMCMed #Lower #GIBleed ... Differential #Diagnosis #gastroenterology
Forrest Classification of Upper GI Bleeding
Acute Hemorrhage
  Ia - Active Spurting, Re-bleeding Risk 60-100%
Classification #Upper #GIBleed ... diagnosis #endoscopy #gastroenterology
GI Bleed Checklist

Exam, Labs, Access, Coagulation status, 

#Diagnosis #Management #Gastrointestinal #GIBleed #Checklist #CriticalCare
Gastrointestinal #GIBleed